Sunday 29 September 2013

Making the most of some left over veg - Vegetarian and Slimming World Friendly - Spicy Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup

Having a Partner who is a vegetarian often means there are bits of random veg left overs in the fridge, so today I decided to use a 1/4 of a Butternut Squash and some carrot to create a Warming slightly spicy Soup.

1 Clove Garlic Peeled
1 Mediunm Onion
3 Carrots - Pealed
1/4 Butternut squash  - De-seeded and pealed
2 Tesco Value Stock Cube
Smoked Paprika
Mild Chlli Powder
Frylight (for slimming world friendly) or Olive Oil

Finely Chop Onion and Garlic, fry in Oil over a medium heat for 3-4 mins until slightly brown and soft.
Add pinch of Salt and Pepper
Finely Chop Butternut Squash and add to Onion and Garlic fry for a further 5 mins.
Roughly chop Carrot and add to pan. Fry off for a further 5 mins.
Add half a teaspoon of Mild Chili Powder and a Teaspoon of Smoked Paprika whilst frying off the Carrot.
Add stock cubes and roughly a pint of Boiling water. (More or less depending on how thin/thick you want it).
Bring to boil and then leave to simmer for 30-45 mins.

Serve either chunky or after blitzing in a Food Processor or hand blender.

This is also lovely served with a little double cream mixed in but this adds calories and would make it far less Slimming World friendly.

Alter amounts of Chili and Smoked Paprika powder depending on personal taste.