Monday 10 February 2014

A little Update and what to expect from future recipes!

Been a while since I last posted and this is due to the fact that I myself have joined Slimming World in an effort to lose some weight and it has meant a fairly huge change to the type of food I have been cooking and the ingredients and methods of cooking I have been using. Therefore there has been a lot of trial and error and developing of recipe's and I haven't wanted to post anything without having ensured that I am completely happy with it first.

I am generally following the Extra Easy Plan with Slimming World and from now on the majority of recipes will be Syn Free or Low Syn food on this diet plan. I will try to give Syn Values for the dishes where appropriate and also state if it is on Extra Easy, Red Day or Green Day plans. Please bear in mind though that whilst I am trying my hardest to be as accurate as possible, for my own sake as much as yours, none of these recipes will be Slimming World Approved and may have slightly wrong Syn Amounts. I will also be editing my previous recipes where appropriate to give more information based around the Slimming World Diet Plans.

My recipes will still include a mixture of Meat Dishes and Vegetarian Options as I am Meat eater but my partner is Vegetarian and also following Slimming World Diet. I hope any of you who try the recipe's continue to enjoy them and hopefully appreciate the slightly healthier feel to them! 

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