Friday 11 July 2014

Smokey Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges - Slimming World Friendly Syn Free and Vegetarian

A nice side to meals like Lilt Zero Gammon, Fanta Gammon and an alternative to chips with for example a nice steak.


Smoked Paprika Powder
Sweet Potato (or regular potato if preferred.)

Preparation Time 10 Mins
Cooking Time 25 Mins


Peel Potato and cut into wedged pieces. I go for about an 4-5 cm pieces about 1-2 cm thick. Place in cold water and bring to the boil. Turn back and simmer until soft to touch but so they don't break up, roughly about 6 mins size dependent.

Strain Potato and allow to cool.

Heat oven to Gas Mark 6 and place a baking tray sprayed with frylight into the over to heat up the oil.
Spray a frying pan with Frylight Oil and heat, once hot fry off the wedges for 5 mins to crisp-en up the edges. Sprinkle a good couple of teaspoons of Smoked Paprika over the potato in the frying pan and some rock salt. Toss the potato to ensure a good even covering of salt and smoked paprika and then transfer potato into the pre-heated oil on the baking tray and cook on the bottom shelf of the oven on gas mark 6 for a further 20 mins or until crisp and cooked to taste.

These are a lovely Syn Free alternative to spicy fries/wedges or chip!

Please feel free to leave me any feedback or creative suggestions and I hope you enjoy if you try the recipe!

Lilt Zero Gammon/Chicken - Slimming World Friendly - Can be made with Quorn Chicken for a Vegetarian Option

Have tried Fanta Gammon before but decided to try a different version with slightly more SuperFree in the dish and with hopefully a slightly less Sweet Sauce. With this in mind, I decided to give Lilt Zero Sauce ago. This Dish is Syn Free on Slimming World, Extra Easy Plan, if made using Frylight and Lilt Zero.

Ingredients to Serve 2 People

2 x Gammon Steak (Fat Trimmed off) or 2 Skinned Chicken Breast
2 Medium Onions
1 Red Pepper
2 Carrots
4 Medium Mushrooms
1/2 Fresh Pineapple
1 Can of Lilt Zero
250g Tomato Passatta
1 Tablespoon of Dark Soy Sauce

Preparation Time 15 Mins
Cooking Time 30 mins


Cut Gammon Steak into roughly 1cm Cubed Squares. If using Chicken  chop chicken into pieces.
Rough Chop Onion,
Slice Red Pepper, Finely Slice Mushroom and Finely Sliced Carrot
Chop Pineapple into Cubes and keep any juice.

Heat frylight in pan and then fry off Gammon/Chicken pieces until fully cooked.
Add the onion and fry for 3-4 mins or until soft and slightly brown.
Add the pepper and carrot and again fry for a few mins until softened.
Add in the Mushroom and fry for a further 3 mins.

In a seperate jug mix together the passatta, soy sauce and Lilt Zero. Turn the heat back on the pan and add the contents of the jug into the Gammon and Vegetables.

Bring mixture to the boil and then turn back and simmer for 20 mins or until sauce is reduced to personal taste. I like mine fairly thick but can be served with a less viscous sauce if you prefer.

I personally served this with Potato and Sweet Potato wedges (will add a blog for my slimming world friendly recipe) and a green salad and a winter salad. Would also work well served with Veg!

Personally preferred this to the Fanta Gammon as it had a slightly less sweet sauce, but both are lovely. If you try it I hope you enjoy, please leave and feedback or creative suggestions for changes!


Monday 10 February 2014

Curried Onion Mushroom and Potato Cake, Slimming World Syn Free on Extra Easy and Suitable for Vegetarians

I was looking for some options for a side dish to a Slimming World Curry Recipe and couldn't find anything that didn't contain either a lot of Flour (Syns) or Deep Fried (Syns) so I created this as an attempt at a replacement. Its fairly simple and relatively quick to make.


3 Medium Potato's (Peeled)
1 Medium Onion
4 Medium Sized Mushrooms
Curry Powder (I used Tikka Powder, but what ever flavour is your personal preference)

Peel 3 Potato's and soak in cold water for a few mins to help reduce the starch levels.
Peel and finely chop Onion.
Peel and finely chop Mushrooms.

Lightly fry off the Onions and Mushrooms in Frylight and a pinch of salt, add in Curry Powder and fry off together for a couple more mins. Ive found a couple of teaspoons is about the right amount for my taste but this can be altered to your taste. 

Strain and dry off the potato and then use a fine grater and grate potato. Mix grated potato with the fried Onion and Mushroom into a bowl and mix together well. Split the mixture into 4 equal balls and then flatten out into round circular 'cakes' about 2-3 cm thick.

Using a Griddle or a frying pan heat some frylight until it starts to sizzle and add in the individual cake pieces and fry for 3-4 mins on one side until golden brown. (Do not be tempted to turn to quickly as this will often result in the cake breaking up.) Once first side is nicely cooked flip and cook on other side for roughly the same length of time. 

Remove from pan and serve.

If you want to change the flavour or want to make them more spicy you can add in fresh Chilli, Chilli Powder or Cumin Seeds etc.

As always please feel free to leave any comments or feedback and if you do try adapting the recipe or adding in other flavours please let me know how it goes! 

Enjoy! :)

A little Update and what to expect from future recipes!

Been a while since I last posted and this is due to the fact that I myself have joined Slimming World in an effort to lose some weight and it has meant a fairly huge change to the type of food I have been cooking and the ingredients and methods of cooking I have been using. Therefore there has been a lot of trial and error and developing of recipe's and I haven't wanted to post anything without having ensured that I am completely happy with it first.

I am generally following the Extra Easy Plan with Slimming World and from now on the majority of recipes will be Syn Free or Low Syn food on this diet plan. I will try to give Syn Values for the dishes where appropriate and also state if it is on Extra Easy, Red Day or Green Day plans. Please bear in mind though that whilst I am trying my hardest to be as accurate as possible, for my own sake as much as yours, none of these recipes will be Slimming World Approved and may have slightly wrong Syn Amounts. I will also be editing my previous recipes where appropriate to give more information based around the Slimming World Diet Plans.

My recipes will still include a mixture of Meat Dishes and Vegetarian Options as I am Meat eater but my partner is Vegetarian and also following Slimming World Diet. I hope any of you who try the recipe's continue to enjoy them and hopefully appreciate the slightly healthier feel to them! 

Monday 16 December 2013

Vegetable Stew/Vegetable Curry, Slimming World Friendly and (V)

Here is the recipe for my Winter Warming Veg Stew, Ive put in the Veg I generally use but basically it is one of those things that you can throw any veg in and is particularly good if you have any veg that needs using up. 

Veg Stew

Prep Time 30 mins-1 Hour
Cook Time 2-3 Hours (It can be done quicker but generally speaking the longer you leave it to cook the better it is.)

3-4 Medium Onion
2-3 Cloves Garlic
4/5 Medium Sized Potato
2 Sweet Potato
4 Carrots
16 Sprouts
1 of Swede/Turnip/Butternut Squash
2 Leek
8 Baby Sweetcorn
Pepper (Green, Red or Yellow)
6 Mushrooms
10 Tomato’s (I tend to use Cherry Tomato’s and pop them in whole, but you could use other ones and chop them)
Mixed Herbs (You need a good few teaspoons worth)
Smoked Paprika (2-3 Teaspoons adjust to taste)
Veg Friendly Worcestershire Sauce
Tomato Puree and/or Tomato Passata
3-4 Knor Stock Pots (veg)
2-3 Pints of Boiling Water
Broth Mix (Optional)
Bay Leaf (Optional)

Prep the veg, I normally peel the potato but can be thrown in with skins on, I have used New Potato and Maris Piper and they both work well.

Rough Chop the Onion and Celery and Finely Chop/Crush the Garlic. Cut the potato and Sweet Potato into Chunks about 2cm cubes. Cut the Swede/Carrot etc into chunks the same size and in general try to get most of the veg to be roughly the same size to allow for an even cook.

I generally use a large stock pot to cook it in.

Fry off the Onion, Finely Chopped Garlic and Celery together In a little Olive Oil or Frylight (Slimming World Friendly), once they are soft and start to brown add in the Potato and Sweet Potato and fry with the Onion, Garlic and Clerey. As that starts to brown slowly start to add the other veg, (in roughly the order I have listed them in). I have put rough amounts that I think would serve 4 easily, but it is fairly changeable depending on what you like/have and how big a portion you require.

The idea is that the veg should just start cooking by being fried off, but they don’t have to be fully cooked as they will cook fully in the stew. As you fry the veg, season with Salt, Pepper, Smoked Paprika and Mixed Herbs and the Worcestershire Sauce, to taste. I have found that add a little and often as you add more veg works well, but it is best to go with caution as you can always add more whilst it cooks slowly.

Once all the veg is in the pot, stir in some Tomato Puree and a Small Carton of Tomato Passata and stir in well. Add the stock pot/cubes, I personally normal add the stock cubes/pot straight into the pan as you can stir them in well and mix it through, but you can just make them up straight into the boiling water. If you mix them into the pot add in 2-3 Pints of boiling water into the pot. (Again the amount will depend on how much veg you have in the pot, but the water should more than cover the veg in the pot.)

Bring this to the boil and then place on a low heat with a lid on the pot and allow to cook down slowly. For the best results leave on a low heat for a good couple of hours.

You can also add in at this point some Broth Mix to help thicken the stew and to add some extra flavor, and adding in a bay leaf can give a nice flavor to the stew, but make sure you remove before serving.

I normally serve this either with some nice bread/Garlic Bread, a Jacket Potato or some boiled rice.

It can also easily be transformed into a lovely veg curry by adding in Curry Powder, (a good 3 or 4 of Desert Spoonfuls of what ever curry flavor you like, Amy loves it with a mix of Madras and Tandoori Powder.)

I normally make it in pretty big batch loads as it works really well when reheated, for a good couple of days or so after and can also be frozen and is fine after. 

I hope you enjoy and as always please leave me any feedback or suggestions for improvements on the recipe! Thanks for looking! :)

Friday 29 November 2013

Chicken Breast in Mushroom and Blue Cheese Sauce Linguine

Had a few random items in the fridge and a craving for Blue Cheese so I decided to try something new, which turned out surprisingly well so I thought I would share it with you here. Hope you enjoy!

Ingredients (Serves 2)

2-3 Chicken Breasts (Skin on)
1 Medium Sized Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
500g of Mushrooms, ideally a few different types (I used Forestiere, Chestnut and Portabello)
50ml of white wine
50g of Stilton (or similar blue cheese)
250ml of Chicken Stock (personally use knorr stock pot)
50ml of Single Cream
Truffle Oil (or Olive Oil)
250g of Linguine
Rock Salt


Pre-heat oven to Gas Mark 6
Heat a small amount of Truffle Oil in a frying pan to a very high temperature
Place a saucepan of water on a hot ring and bring to the boil.
Dry of the Chicken Skin with a piece of Kitchen Roll, and the sprinkle with rock salt and pepper.
Place Chicken skin side down in the very hot pan, press it down for a few seconds and then leave skin side down to cook for approx 5 mins.
Turn the Chicken and leave on the opposite side for a further 3 mins.
Remove from the frying pan and put in an oven proof dish and in the bottom shelf of the oven for 15-20 mins.
Using the same frying pan add a little more oil and fry off the onion and garlic until lightly brown then add the mushrooms and saute them off.
Place Linguine in the pan of boiling water, bring back to the boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
Add in the white wine and cook for a further few mins
Add the Chicken Stock to the pan and bring to the boil.
Reduce heat and leave to simmer.
With a couple of min's left before the Linguine is ready, crumble the cheese into the mushrooms sauce and stir around.
Reduce the heat to low and add the cream into the sauce.
Take the Chicken out of the oven and remove from bowl.
Add any juices in the ovenproof bowl from the chicken into the sauce.
Strain the Linguine and add into the frying pan and mix well with the sauce.
Slice the Chicken breast into pieces, plate up the Linguine and the sauce and then arrange the chicken breast on the top with the golden brown crispy skin facing up, and serve.

This recipe takes no more than 25 mins including preparation to cook and serve and uses many items you will often find around the kitchen/ fridge. It can be edited obviously and doesn't need to have different types of mushrooms and can use any blue cheese.

It is a fairly rich dish and I have found that I needed small portions of this compared with a normal pasta dish.

Please feel free to leave me any thoughts or feedback on the recipe and take a look at my other recipe idea's.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Potato and Leek Soup, with a twist! (v) Slimming World Friendly

My Girlfriend loves Potato and Leek soup and had been nagging me for weeks to make one for her, she also loves Brussels Sprouts so I decided to try doing something that combined both of these winter favorites into a warming soup. This recipe is fairly quick and simple, I have suggested leaving the potato skins on, and using either a mandolin or food processor to thinly slice if easier as this will help keep preparation time low.

This dish is suitable for Vegetarians and is Slimming world friendly and Sin Free.


2 Sticks of Celery
1 Medium Onion
1 Clove Garlic
4-5 Medium Potato's
12 Brussel Sprouts
1 Large Leak or 1/3 of a bag of Tesco Shredded Leek and Cabbage mix
1 Vegetable Stock Pot
2 Tesco Value Vegetable Stock Cubes
1/4 Cup Long Grain Rice
Mixed Herbs
Boiling Water


Finely chop the Celery, Onion and Garlic, gently fry these in a saucepan with some Frylight and a little salt and pepper until soft and starting to lightly brown
Thinly slice the potato, either by hand or using a food processor or mandolin. There is no need to peel them if washed and clean but you can if you prefer.
Add the potato to the pan with the onion, garlic and celery and continue to fry.
Finely slice the sprouts again this can be done using the food processor or mandolin if easier.
Add the sprouts to the pan and fry for a further 5 mins.
If using a fresh leak, chop thinly and add to pan or add in the shredded cabbage and leak mix. (I personally prefer to use the mix as I think the cabbage helps to add a little flavor. Add a little more Salt and pepper and the mixed herbs and fry for a further couple of mins.
Boil a kettle of water.
Add the stock pot and stock cubes into the saucepan and stir in to the fried off veg, turn the heat on the hob down and add 1 1/2-2 Pints of boiling water, (Exact amount is adjustable depending on how thick you like your soup.)
Bring to the boil and once boiling add the 1/4 of the cup of rice. The rice will help give the soup a creamy, thick consistency, and is a healthier option than adding cream to the recipe. (Cream can be used if preferred but if on slimming world diet would need to be sinned.
Allow to simmer for 45-60 mins ideally.
This can then be served chunky or using a hand blender or food processor it can be blended into a lovely creamy smooth soup.

This dish can be served straight away or can be kept and reheated at a later point in the microwave or on the hob. This soup can also be frozen if required.

As always I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave any comments or feedback on this or any of my other recipes.
