Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sweet Potato and Yellow Pepper Soup with a hint of Chilli. (V) and Slimming World Sin Free

Here's another suggestion for a different soup, cheap and cheerful to make and good for the colder winter days. It is suitable for Vegetarians and is Slimming World Friendly.


Fry Light (Olive Oil Preferably)
2 Medium Onions
1/2 Medium heat Red Chilli (Taste Raw Chilli before using to ensure it isn't to strong.)
2 Yellow Peppers
5 Small-Medium Sweet Potato
2 Small Mushrooms
2 Cloves Garlic
4 or 5 Cherry Tomatos or alternatively a desert spoon of Tomato Puree
Smoked Paprika
Mixed Herbs
2 Tesco Value Vegetable Stock Cubes
1 Herb Infusion Stock Pot
Boiling Water


Peel and Finely Chop Garlic and finely chop 1/2 Red Chilli
Peel and finely chop Onions
Peel and finely chop Sweet Potato
Remove top and seeds from 2 Yellow Peppers and finely chop
Peel 2 small mushrooms and again finely chop.
Chop the tomato's.

Spray frylight into a deep saucepan and heat,
Fry off the Garlic and Chilli for 2-3 Mins
Add the chopped Onions and fry for a further 5 mins to soften.
Add the Sweet Potato to the Pan and fry for a further 5 mins
Add the Yellow pepper to the pan and continue to cook for 3 mins
Add the Mushrooms and Tomato's/Tomato Puree to the mix.
Season with a good couple of pinches of Salt and Pepper, 2/3 teaspoons of Smoked Paprika and teaspoon or two of Mixed herbs. Stir in and cook for a further few mins.
Taste to ensure seasoned correctly and adjusts as required.

Add 2 Tesco Value Vegetable Stock Cubes (Other stock can be used) and ideally a Herb Infusion Stock Pot to the pan and add 1 1/2 Pints of water to the pan.
Bring back to the boil, and then turn back and leave to simmer for 45-60 mins until all the veg is soft.
Use a hand blender to blend soup into a smooth consistency, I personally prefer mine quite thick but you can blend to your preferred consistency.

This can then be served immediately or can be allowed to chill and then re-heated when needed.

A splash of cream can also be added when serving to give a richer and creamier soup, however it will no longer be sin free for those who follow a slimming world diet and in my personal opinion is not really needed. The soup should be flavorsome and works with the sweet flavor of the Potato's and Pepper and the spicy warming kick of the Chilli. The Chilli should not over power the soup and the other flavors so sometimes it will pay to veer on the side of caution and start with a smaller amount of chilli. Also make sure the Chilli is not to strong by always trying a little of the chilli raw before you start cooking with it!

As always thanks for taking a look and please leave any comments or feedback on this or any other recipe, letting me know what you think and any changes or suggestions for altering the dish.

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Mixed Veg Fritttata - Slimming World Friendly and Vegetarian

This is a great dish for using any spare Veg that you have at home and makes a great dish whether served hot as a main meal or cold for lunch boxes etc.

The ingredients below makes enough for 2 Frittatas, which would make enough for 4-6 People as a main dish.


1 Medium Onion
1 Celery Stick
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Carrot
Shredded Leak and Cabbage
1/2 Broccoli
1/2 Cauliflower
2 Mushrooms
1 Clove Garlic
1 De-seeded Chilli
Smoked Paprika
Mixed Herbs
6 Eggs
250 Grams of Spaghetti or Tagliatelle

2 Circular Baking Tins (about 1 Inch deep)


Pre Heat Oven to Gas Mark 4

Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook your pasta. (10 - 12 mins, but check the instructions on the packet as cooking times may vary.) Slightly undercooked pasta will work better than over cooked.

Peel and finely chop the Onion
De-seed and finely chop the Chilli - Optional
Rough Chop the Celery Stick
Peel and thinly Slice the Carrot
Peel, De-stalk and thinly chop the Mushroom
Finel Chop the Garlic clove
De-seed the pepper and thinly chop
Cut both the Cauliflower and Broccoli florets from the main item and chop into small chunks.
Either shred a Leek and some Cabbage leaves, or use a bag of ready sliced Cabbage and Leak from Tesco (Other stores will stock similar) If using a packet then about 1/3 to 1.2 the bag goes in.

Mix all of the prepared veg into a bowl and season with salt, pepper, Mixed Herbs and Smoked Paprika and a few sprays of Fri-light (A little Olive Oil will do the same job, but would mean it is no longer Sin Free for Slimming World members.)

Drain the Pasta and mix into the bowl with veg
Break 6 Eggs into the bowl and mix around thoroughly, you want the mixture to have an even covering of egg over it and for the veg and pasta to mix together well.

Grease the Baking tins with a little frylight (again butter or Olive Oil would also work)

Pour the veg, pasta and egg mixture into the two tins, and push it down to make sure it is compact and to the edges of the tin.

Place in the pre-heated oven (gas mark 4). They will take about 35-40 mins to cook, but it is a good idea to swap them around in the over to ensure both get evenly cooked.

Once cooked through and crisp on the top remove from the oven.

Having made this dish a few times now I have decided the best idea is to remove the Frittata  from the tins whilst it is still hot, place on a chopping board and slice (I generally do 6 slices per tin) and then leave to cool. If you leave it to cool before removing it from the tin and slicing it, I find that it tends to crack/break more.

This dish can easily be adapted and works with a huge range of different vegetables, I have also in the past used Courgette, Tomato's , SweetCorn etc. Also different spices can be used, eg Chilli or Curry Powder replacing the Smoked Paprika.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, please leave me any feedback on the recipe and especially if you try any new veg/flavors then please let me know how it goes!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Home-made Chicken Goujons

Fed up with paying over the odds for sub-standard packet Chicken Goujons/Nuggets here is a fairly cheap alternative which will be a much better quality and healthier option. The quantities shown in this recipe made enough for one adult serving.


1 Chicken Breast
1 Egg
BreadCrumbs (Home Made Bread Crumbs or packet breadcrumbs)
Schwartz Grill Master Wild West BBQ Seasoning


Pre Heat Oven to Gas Mark 6
Prepare Chicken breast, removing any fat or waste pieces.
Slice Chicken breast into equal strips.
Break egg into a bowl and whisk together,
Sprinkle Breadcrumbs into a second bowl, add in a generous shaking of Wild West BBQ Seasoning and a little Salt and Pepper to season.
Dip Chicken pieces into Egg mixture ensuring that all surface area is covered in the egg but removing any excess egg, then roll in the breadcrumbs and seasoning getting an even covering over the entire chicken pieces.
Place a wire rack on a baking tray and spray with fry-light to prevent sticking. (Using a wire rack allows for any fats to drip out making it a healthier alternative.)
Place Chicken pieces on the rack.
Place in the pre-heated oven for 20 mins, turning the chicken pieces half way through.
Remove from the oven and serve.

This recipe is fairly simple and can be altered with different flavoring/seasoning and would work with things like Cajun, Piri Piri, Jamaican Jerk or even just Chilli Powder or Smoked Paprika. Please leave any feedback or comments on the recipe or if you try it with a different seasoning please let me know what its like! I hope you enjoy!

Cornish Blue Stuffed Mushroom (V)

A long with the Feta stuffed mushrooms this was a recipe I used as a side dish to a main meal, but would also work as a starter and is a great way to use any old mushrooms. I happened to have some left over Cornish Blue in my fridge but it would also work with other blue cheese's although I personally would say don't use to strong a flavored cheese (eg a mature Stilton) as this would quite possibly over shadow the flavor of the mushrooms.


2 Large Flat Mushrooms
75 grams of Cornish Blue or another Blue Cheese


Pre Heat the oven to gas mark 5
Peel the mushroom and remove the stalks.
Spray the 'cup' side of the mushroom with a little fry-light
Break up the Cornish Blue cheese and place in cup side of mushroom
Season with a little Salt and Pepper.
Place stuffed Mushrooms on a baking tray.
Bake in the Pre Heated oven for approx 20 mins, until the mushroom is fully cooked and the cheese has started to melt
Remove from Oven and serve.

I hope you enjoy this recipe idea and please feel free to leave me any feedback or suggestions on how to improve or alter this dish.

Monday 14 October 2013

Roasted Flat Mushrooms Feta Cheese and Tomato, (V)

Having a root around in the fridge this evening, slightly inspired by Jamie Oliver and his less food waste Campaign, I found a few odd bits left from other meals and decided to try and work them together. I served this as a side to a main meal but it equally could be served as a starter.


2 Flat Mushrooms
Small packet of Vegetarian Feta Cheese
1 Medium sized Tomato
Parsley (Fresh if possible)


Pre-heat oven to Gas Mark 5
Remove the stalk and outer skin from the mushroom  
Spray the mushroom inside with a little Fry-light
Break the feta into small pieces and place onto the mushroom surface you have just sprayed with fry-light.
Season with a little Salt and Pepper
Slice the tomato into thin-ish slices, (should get 4-6 from one tomato.) Place these slices on top of the Feta Cheese.
Season Tomato with a little more Salt and Pepper and add a few sprigs of fresh Parsley to the top of the tomato. (Dried Parsley will suffice if you don't have access to fresh.)
Place the 'stuffed' mushrooms on to a baking tray and place in the middle of the oven and cook for approx 20 mins until the mushroom is cooked through. 

Please leave any comments or suggestions on adaptations to the recipe and I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Baked Pork and Chorizo Scotch Egg

Baked Pork and Chorizo Scotch Eggs

Having some sausages in the fridge but wanted something slightly different to the standard sausages, I decided to try a twist on an old favourite. So using a little chorizo from the fridge, the sausages, eggs and breadcrumbs from the larder I tried the following recipe which worked well with the flavours combining together well and being a slightly healthier option.


5 Pork Sausages, (I use Richmond Thick Pork Sausages but use which ever type you personally like.)
40 Grams Thinly Sliced Chorizo
1 Small Red Onion
4 Eggs (3 for Boiling,)


Place 3 Egg's in Boiling water and Hard Boil, remove from Water and leave to cool.
Skin 5 Sausages and break up sausage meat into a bowl,
Finely Chop the thinly sliced Chorizo and add to sausage meat.
Finely chop the small onion and mix into sausage meat and Chorizo and mix all 3 together well.
Split mixture into 3 equal portions.
De-shell the hard boiled eggs
Lightly flour a chopping board and roll eggs in the flour.
Flatten out the sausage meat portions onto the flour to stop sticking and then wrap sausage meat mixture around the hard boiled eggs, taking care to ensure all the egg is covered with an even layer of the mixture.
Repeat the above for all 3 hard boiled eggs.
Crack the 4th egg into a bowl and lightly whisk. Into a 2nd bowl add the breadcrumbs.
Roll the sausage meat covered eggs in the whisked egg ensuring that the entire surface is lightly covered, ensure any excess egg is drained off.
Roll the egg covered balls into the breadcrumbs, try to achieve a even covering of breadcrumbs over the entire ball.
Preheat oven to Gas mark 6

Cover a baking tray with foil or greaseproof paper.
Spray fry-light oil over a wire rack and place Scotch Eggs on to the rack
Place rack on middle shelf of the oven, will take approximately 30 mins to bake, but ensure u roll them on the rack every 10 mins to get even cooking and to stop the meat sinking below the wire rack.

Placing them on the rack helps to remove fat from the scotch eggs making them a healthier option. They can be shallow fried or deep fat fried if preferred but they will not be as healthy,

Serve either hot or cold.

Please, as always feel free to give feedback or suggestions on alternative idea's!

Carrot and Coriander Soup - Slimming World Sin Free!

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Slimming World Friendly (No Sins) and Vegetarian

1 Garlic Clove
1 Large Onion
2 Celery Sticks
1 Medium Small Sweet Potato
10 (Approx) Decent Sized Carrot
Fresh Coriander
1 Vegetable Stock Pot
1 Pint Boiling Water

Finely Chop Onion, Garlic and Celery and fry off in a pan with frylight for 5-6 mins or until soft.
Peel and Finely Chop the Sweet Potato and add to the pan, fry off for another 5 mins
Peel and rough chop the Carrots and add to the saucepan lower heat and leave for 10 mins to cook and soften the carrot and sweet potato.
Rough chop a handful of fresh coriander and add to pan.
Add a Vegetable Stock Pot (or an alternative stock cube) and add a pint of boiling water.
Return to the boil and then leave to simmer for 30 mins.
Blend using a hand blender or alternative to required consistency. Personally blended mine to a thick liquid with just a few chunky pieces.

(Can add a dash of cream to it for a creamier soup but this will then no longer mean it is a Slimming World Sin Free recipe.)

As always please leave any feedback if you try this recipe and/or idea's on how it can be changed.