Wednesday 16 October 2013

Mixed Veg Fritttata - Slimming World Friendly and Vegetarian

This is a great dish for using any spare Veg that you have at home and makes a great dish whether served hot as a main meal or cold for lunch boxes etc.

The ingredients below makes enough for 2 Frittatas, which would make enough for 4-6 People as a main dish.


1 Medium Onion
1 Celery Stick
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Carrot
Shredded Leak and Cabbage
1/2 Broccoli
1/2 Cauliflower
2 Mushrooms
1 Clove Garlic
1 De-seeded Chilli
Smoked Paprika
Mixed Herbs
6 Eggs
250 Grams of Spaghetti or Tagliatelle

2 Circular Baking Tins (about 1 Inch deep)


Pre Heat Oven to Gas Mark 4

Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook your pasta. (10 - 12 mins, but check the instructions on the packet as cooking times may vary.) Slightly undercooked pasta will work better than over cooked.

Peel and finely chop the Onion
De-seed and finely chop the Chilli - Optional
Rough Chop the Celery Stick
Peel and thinly Slice the Carrot
Peel, De-stalk and thinly chop the Mushroom
Finel Chop the Garlic clove
De-seed the pepper and thinly chop
Cut both the Cauliflower and Broccoli florets from the main item and chop into small chunks.
Either shred a Leek and some Cabbage leaves, or use a bag of ready sliced Cabbage and Leak from Tesco (Other stores will stock similar) If using a packet then about 1/3 to 1.2 the bag goes in.

Mix all of the prepared veg into a bowl and season with salt, pepper, Mixed Herbs and Smoked Paprika and a few sprays of Fri-light (A little Olive Oil will do the same job, but would mean it is no longer Sin Free for Slimming World members.)

Drain the Pasta and mix into the bowl with veg
Break 6 Eggs into the bowl and mix around thoroughly, you want the mixture to have an even covering of egg over it and for the veg and pasta to mix together well.

Grease the Baking tins with a little frylight (again butter or Olive Oil would also work)

Pour the veg, pasta and egg mixture into the two tins, and push it down to make sure it is compact and to the edges of the tin.

Place in the pre-heated oven (gas mark 4). They will take about 35-40 mins to cook, but it is a good idea to swap them around in the over to ensure both get evenly cooked.

Once cooked through and crisp on the top remove from the oven.

Having made this dish a few times now I have decided the best idea is to remove the Frittata  from the tins whilst it is still hot, place on a chopping board and slice (I generally do 6 slices per tin) and then leave to cool. If you leave it to cool before removing it from the tin and slicing it, I find that it tends to crack/break more.

This dish can easily be adapted and works with a huge range of different vegetables, I have also in the past used Courgette, Tomato's , SweetCorn etc. Also different spices can be used, eg Chilli or Curry Powder replacing the Smoked Paprika.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, please leave me any feedback on the recipe and especially if you try any new veg/flavors then please let me know how it goes!

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