Wednesday 9 October 2013

Carrot and Coriander Soup - Slimming World Sin Free!

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Slimming World Friendly (No Sins) and Vegetarian

1 Garlic Clove
1 Large Onion
2 Celery Sticks
1 Medium Small Sweet Potato
10 (Approx) Decent Sized Carrot
Fresh Coriander
1 Vegetable Stock Pot
1 Pint Boiling Water

Finely Chop Onion, Garlic and Celery and fry off in a pan with frylight for 5-6 mins or until soft.
Peel and Finely Chop the Sweet Potato and add to the pan, fry off for another 5 mins
Peel and rough chop the Carrots and add to the saucepan lower heat and leave for 10 mins to cook and soften the carrot and sweet potato.
Rough chop a handful of fresh coriander and add to pan.
Add a Vegetable Stock Pot (or an alternative stock cube) and add a pint of boiling water.
Return to the boil and then leave to simmer for 30 mins.
Blend using a hand blender or alternative to required consistency. Personally blended mine to a thick liquid with just a few chunky pieces.

(Can add a dash of cream to it for a creamier soup but this will then no longer mean it is a Slimming World Sin Free recipe.)

As always please leave any feedback if you try this recipe and/or idea's on how it can be changed.

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