Monday 14 October 2013

Roasted Flat Mushrooms Feta Cheese and Tomato, (V)

Having a root around in the fridge this evening, slightly inspired by Jamie Oliver and his less food waste Campaign, I found a few odd bits left from other meals and decided to try and work them together. I served this as a side to a main meal but it equally could be served as a starter.


2 Flat Mushrooms
Small packet of Vegetarian Feta Cheese
1 Medium sized Tomato
Parsley (Fresh if possible)


Pre-heat oven to Gas Mark 5
Remove the stalk and outer skin from the mushroom  
Spray the mushroom inside with a little Fry-light
Break the feta into small pieces and place onto the mushroom surface you have just sprayed with fry-light.
Season with a little Salt and Pepper
Slice the tomato into thin-ish slices, (should get 4-6 from one tomato.) Place these slices on top of the Feta Cheese.
Season Tomato with a little more Salt and Pepper and add a few sprigs of fresh Parsley to the top of the tomato. (Dried Parsley will suffice if you don't have access to fresh.)
Place the 'stuffed' mushrooms on to a baking tray and place in the middle of the oven and cook for approx 20 mins until the mushroom is cooked through. 

Please leave any comments or suggestions on adaptations to the recipe and I hope you enjoy!

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