Wednesday 9 October 2013

Baked Pork and Chorizo Scotch Egg

Baked Pork and Chorizo Scotch Eggs

Having some sausages in the fridge but wanted something slightly different to the standard sausages, I decided to try a twist on an old favourite. So using a little chorizo from the fridge, the sausages, eggs and breadcrumbs from the larder I tried the following recipe which worked well with the flavours combining together well and being a slightly healthier option.


5 Pork Sausages, (I use Richmond Thick Pork Sausages but use which ever type you personally like.)
40 Grams Thinly Sliced Chorizo
1 Small Red Onion
4 Eggs (3 for Boiling,)


Place 3 Egg's in Boiling water and Hard Boil, remove from Water and leave to cool.
Skin 5 Sausages and break up sausage meat into a bowl,
Finely Chop the thinly sliced Chorizo and add to sausage meat.
Finely chop the small onion and mix into sausage meat and Chorizo and mix all 3 together well.
Split mixture into 3 equal portions.
De-shell the hard boiled eggs
Lightly flour a chopping board and roll eggs in the flour.
Flatten out the sausage meat portions onto the flour to stop sticking and then wrap sausage meat mixture around the hard boiled eggs, taking care to ensure all the egg is covered with an even layer of the mixture.
Repeat the above for all 3 hard boiled eggs.
Crack the 4th egg into a bowl and lightly whisk. Into a 2nd bowl add the breadcrumbs.
Roll the sausage meat covered eggs in the whisked egg ensuring that the entire surface is lightly covered, ensure any excess egg is drained off.
Roll the egg covered balls into the breadcrumbs, try to achieve a even covering of breadcrumbs over the entire ball.
Preheat oven to Gas mark 6

Cover a baking tray with foil or greaseproof paper.
Spray fry-light oil over a wire rack and place Scotch Eggs on to the rack
Place rack on middle shelf of the oven, will take approximately 30 mins to bake, but ensure u roll them on the rack every 10 mins to get even cooking and to stop the meat sinking below the wire rack.

Placing them on the rack helps to remove fat from the scotch eggs making them a healthier option. They can be shallow fried or deep fat fried if preferred but they will not be as healthy,

Serve either hot or cold.

Please, as always feel free to give feedback or suggestions on alternative idea's!

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